
Posts Tagged ‘southwest dishes’

Being ranchers, we’ve pretty well stuck to lots of beef, chicken now and then, and breakfasts of reduced fat turkey bacon with eggs as our sources of protein. A few weeks ago, however, my hubby experienced some weird episodes Drs think were mini-strokes. Scared the starch out of me, so we’re changing some of how we eat. 

From now on, we’ll be eating fish at least twice a week, chicken at least twice a week, and lean cuts of our homegrown beef, along with plenty of nuts, yogurt, and MOUNDS  of fresh fruits and veggies. 

Today, I thought I’d share one of the recipes I’ve discovered and plan to use a lot in the future. This southwest dish helps salve the wounds we experienced from giving up one our favorite entrees…good old Mexican food!

Sonoran Tilapia features tasty tilapia fillets served over Mexican rice and topped with a tasty southwest-flavored sauce.  I skipped the rice and prepared steamed veggies with baked sweet potato instead. Served with a side-salad, it convinced me that eating fish is not only healthy, but can be quite tasty. Check out the link above. You’ll be glad you did.

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